Difference between revisions of "Website Joomla Core Customisations"

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The following Joomla! core files have been customised because there was not template override. The customisations need to be replied after every upgrade:
The following Joomla! core files have been customised because there was no template override. The customisations need to be replied after every upgrade:
#<code>[root]\components\com_content\views\category\view.feed.php</code> to add the category to the title of the certain News and Media articles.
#<code>[joomla-root]/libraries/cms/helper/tags.php</code>: Copy <code>tags.org-v3.4.8.php</code> over <code>tags.php</code> so that is replaces the content. This will ensure that additional columns for DPCalendar events are returned by the database query so that they can be displayed in any views that list thumbnails of articles with specific tags.
#<code>[root]\language\en-GB\en-GB.com_jevents.ini</code> set the <code>JEV_NO_EVENTS</code> value to <code>"Next event coming soon. Interested? Please email office@christchurchchislehurst.org."</code> and <code>JEV_CLICK_TOCOMPONENT</code> to <code>"View All"</code>
#<code>[root]\administrator\components\com_autotweet\helpers\autotweetbasehelper.php</code> change <code>$message = $title . ': ' . $text;</code> to <code>$message = $title . ' - ' . $text;</code>
#<code>[root]\components\com_dpcalendar\layouts\event\images.php</code>: change <code>class="dp-event-details-images"</code> and add the <code>itemprop="image"</code> attribute to the <code>img</code> tag.

Revision as of 21:34, 17 April 2016

The following Joomla! core files have been customised because there was no template override. The customisations need to be replied after every upgrade:

  1. [joomla-root]/libraries/cms/helper/tags.php: Copy tags.org-v3.4.8.php over tags.php so that is replaces the content. This will ensure that additional columns for DPCalendar events are returned by the database query so that they can be displayed in any views that list thumbnails of articles with specific tags.