Website Upgrade Project Plan

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Revision as of 21:57, 24 July 2011 by Marc.maier (talk | contribs)
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Iteration 1


  • Upgrade to Joomla 1.6
  • Optimise menu structure
  • Migrate existing content while 'scrubbing' it
  • Add high priority missing content


Priority Task Owner Status
High Install new site and provide access for all team members. Marc Complete
Medium Make sure that pages have SEO friendly URLs and document SEO guidelines Danielle Not started
Medium Select and configure sitemap Joomla! extension Danielle Not started
High Configure Joomla! categories Marc Not started
Medium Document how to create a new menu item Danielle/Marc Not started
Low Find extension for article templates Danielle/Marc Not started
Low Create article template Danielle/Marc Not started
High Create initial page layouts Danielle/Marc Not started
High Create menu structure Danielle/Marc Not started
High Select calendar Joomla! extension Danielle/Marc Not started
High Install and configure calendar Joomla! extension Danielle/Marc Not started
Low Select banner rotator Joomla! extension Danielle/Marc Not started
Low Install and configure banner rotator Joomla! extension Danielle/Marc Not started
High Configure and document Joomla! to display upcoming events for each activity Danielle/Marc Not started
Medium  Document how configure Joomla! to display upcoming events for each activity Danielle/Marc Not started
High Agree and document content guidelines Christopher/Pauline Not started
High Agree and document specific authoring guidelines for each article group and for events Christopher/Pauline Not started
High Move content to new site. Make sure that content meets general content guidelines and specific authoring guidelines  Christopher/Pauline Not started
High Move events to new site. Make sure that events meet authoring guidelines. Christopher/Pauline Not started
Medium Create contacts to referenced in activities, events and other pages Christopher/Pauline Not started

Provide designs for each page layout

Kirsty Not started
High Update banner to fit with new design Kirsty Not started
High Test new site  ? Not started
High Train users  ? Not started
High Promote site  ? Not started

Iteration 2


  • Add social integration, in particular with Facebook and Twitter