Social Media Strategy

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The objectives are:

Matt. 28,19 Therefore go and make disciples
Objectives Reach out to the wider community Create a trusted online community for the whole church
How? *make the community aware of the services, groups and activities that CCC is offering*spread the word about specific outreach events, e.g. Jubilee BBQ, Alpha Course, ABC, Oasis, etc.
  • direct them to inspiring Christian resources, e.g. BBC programme on Reverse Missionaries.
  • make it easy to share the above
  • project a dynamic, positive, attractive image of the church
  • make public church information accessible
*make it easier to connect with church members outside the church services
  • make it possible for the church to pray for personal and collective requests, e.g. "X is critically ill in hospital. Please pray for a quick recovery."
  • for church leaders to communicate with members, e.g. "We would like to remind you that the church services are happening in the Link from August to December."
  • provide a trusted forum for posting asking or offering help, e.g. "Does anyone now of a good, reliable babysitter who is willing to babysit every other Thursday evening?"
  • promote Christian resources that help people grow in their faith, e.g. Sermon Series reading
  • encourage and inspire members
  • enhance a sense of community