The objectives are:
Create a trusted online community for the whole church
Draw the wider community to the church
- make it easier to connect with church members outside the church services
- make it possible for the church to pray for personal and collective requests, e.g. "X is critically ill in hospital. Please pray for a quick recovery."
- for church leaders to communicate with members, e.g. "We would like to remind you that the church services are happening in the Link from August to December."
- provide a trusted forum for posting asking or offering help, e.g. "Does anyone now of a good, reliable babysitter who is willing to babysit every other Thursday evening?"
- promote Christian resources that help people grow in their faith, e.g. Sermon Series reading
- encourage and inspire members
- enhance a sense of community
- make the community aware of the services, groups and activities that CCC is offering
- spread the word about specific outreach events, e.g. Jubilee BBQ, Alpha Course, ABC, Oasis, etc.
- direct them to inspiring Christian resources, e.g. BBC programme on Reverse Missionaries.
- make it easy to share the above
- project a dynamic, positive, attractive image of the church
- make public church information accessible
Electronic Communication Channels
This diagram provides an overview over proposed and existing electronic communication channels, grouped by the ways the information is spread or accessed:
The following table shows how these objectives could be achieved through new and existing communication channels.
Existing facilities in black and new, proposed ones are in teal.
Create a trusted online community for the whole church
Draw the wider community to the church
Create a Facebook Group called "All Regular Members - Christ Church Chislehurst" with the following characteristics:
- Group members are regular members of CCC.
- The group and it members will be visible to everyone.
- Non-members will not see any posts to the group.
- All members will be able to post.
- Only church leaders and members of the Welcome Team will be allowed add/approve new members and existing members.
- Members are remove when they no longer are regular members of the church.
- The group is clearly marked as a group for regular members and it is clearly stated that non-members will not see any posts.
- Church members are regularly reminded that it is inappropriate for older members to send friend requests to any members below 18 years where a close relationship does not exist in real life and for the youngsters to accept these requests.
- Members of the group will see posts to the group in their newsfeed.
- Members can contact each other via email by using a group specific email list.
- An authorised group of members will regularly monitor posts and comments, remove inappropriate ones and notify the respective individuals about the reason for doing so.
Create a Facebook Page called "Christ Church Chislehurst" with the following characteristics:
- It is freely publicly accessible.
- It contains most of the general information about the church such as photos, location, contact details.
- A clear link to the CCC website.
- A clear link to the CCC FB group with joining criteria.
- Only church leaders and other authorised individuals are able to post to the page but everyone will be able to comment.
- Certain news items currently published to the website will be automatically republished on the CCC FB page, in particular News Bulletins and Sermons.
- All posts automatically re-published to Twitter and Google+.
- We encourage everyone, incl. members, to Like the page so that they get public updates in their timeline.
- An authorised group of members will regularly monitor comments, remove inappropriate ones and notify the respective individuals about the reason for doing so.
- Allow signing up to the weekly newsletter via the website?
- Provide news for the church members
- Maintain the directory on the website to make it easier for the members to contact other members in the church how fullfil a certain role.
- Listing opportunities for voluneering.
- Making it easy to support the church financially with donations.
- Add options for sharing to each article content page.
- Include links to Twitter and Facebook page to the header.
- Automatically post all news bulletins and sermon recordings to the Facebook page.
- Provide general information about the church such as contact details, directions to the church,
- Provide information on activities and course at CCC including upcoming events.
- Provide information about services that CCC offer such as wedding, baptims, room hire, etc.
- Provide news for non-members.
Nothing as Twitter messages are public only.
Create Twitter account to automatically "Tweet" all posts to the Facebook Page.
Nothing as YouTube video are public only.
Create a YouTube Channel to publish video recordings that are longer than the Facebook limit, for example recordings of services.
Nothing (for now) as much more church members are on Facebook.
Create a Google+ Page called "Christ Church Chislehurst" with the following characteristics:
- It is freely publicly accessible.
- It contains most of the general information about the church such as photos, location, contact details.
- A clear link to the CCC website.
- A clear link to the CCC FB group with joining criteria.
- Once Google make it possible, publish posts to the Facebook Page automatically on Google+.
Create and maintain an email list of church members to:
- send weekly newsletter emails created from articles posted on the website.
- communicate inportant information to the all church members.
Send emails to people how signed up for emails about CCC events or other relevant information.