Technology Training for Leadership and Staff

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To improve the awareness of various technology and enhance the skills necessary to put them to effective use for the benefit of Christ Church.


Staff and the members of the Leadership Team


  • Overview of Electronic Communication in CCC
  • Openness by default
  • Email
    • CCC host email accounts
    • Distribution Lists
    • Differences between writing Emails and Letters
      • Linking
      • Screenshots
    • Email Etiquette
      • Response times
      • Adding/removing receipients when responding
  • QR Codes
    • General introduction
    • Short practical session: Create QR code and use it.
  • Social Media
    • Introduction to Social Media
    • Differences between Facebook, Google+ and Twitter
    • Differences between a Facebook Page and a Facebook Group
    • Practical session: Join CCC Facebook Group, Like/Follow CCC Facebook Group, share something.
  • Website
    • Introduction to Joomla!
    • CCC content management
    • Practical session: Edit page. Create/edit event.
  • Powerpoint
    • Basic guidelines
  • Backup
  • Q&A