Website Build Test Environment

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To build the test environment, follow these steps:

  1. Create a backup of the live site.
    1. Go to Akeeba Backup Control Panel.
    2. Set the profile to Full backup without large files.
    3. Click Backup Now.
  2. Restore the test site.
    1. Use an FTP client to move backup you want to restore from /backups to /web/new.
    2. Go to Akeeba Kickstart on the test site and make sure that the back file is selected in ARCHIVE FILE.
    3. Use the defaults and click Start.
    4. Wait until all the files have been extracted.
    5. Enter as Database server host name, cccjoomla as User name, use the usual password and cccjoomla as Database name, the click Next. The database restore should only take a few seconds.
    6. On the Site Info tab click Next.
    7. Use an FTP client to delete the /web/test/installation directory.
  3. Isolate the test site.
    1. Use an FTP client to open /web/test/templates/ccc/index.php and remove the Google Analytics script so that Google Analytics stats are not tainted by test site use.