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Revision as of 10:40, 31 March 2011 by Christopher.scott (talk | contribs) (Samuel (Age: 43))
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Katie (Age: 25)

Primary contributor: Marc

  • She is not a Christian but interested because of her friend (who is a Christian).
  • She would like to do an Alpha course.

As Katie, I want to quickly (three clicks) find out when the Alpha course is and further information and sign up. (High)

As Katie, I also may want to find more information about what it means to be a Christian. (Medium)

Naz (Age: 17)

Primary contributor: Kirsty

  • She has recently become a Christian through a church youth group.
  • She is enthusiastic about her new faith wants to participate in church activities.
  • She also want to find out more about what it means to life a Christian life and share her faith with her friends.

John (Age: 31)

Primary contributor: Kirsty

  • He is a committed Christian.
  • He has recently moved to the area and is looking for a church.

Goahua (Age: 35)

Primary contributor: Marc

  • He lives in China and vets visa applicant for the Chinese Government.
  • He wants to know whether a church member who applied for a visa wants to work in China as professional or missionary.

Thomas (Age: 34)

Primary contributor: Pauline

  • He is a Christian who has recently decided to become more committed to the church.
  • He wants to get involved in serving, give 10% and join a home group.

Sarah (Age: 79)

Primary contributor: Pauline

  • She is a committed church member but she finds it hard to attend church regularly due to health problems.
  • Her daughter has recently bought a laptop for her and caught her basic web skills.
  • She loves to listen to the CCC sermons and wants to stay up-to-date with what is happening at the church.

Ethel (Age: 81)

Primary contributor: Danielle

  • She is a regular member of the church and wants to socialise.

Sonja (Age: 49)

Primary contributor: Pauline

  • She is a committed Christian and a long standing member of the church.
  • She is part of a home group and helps with the youth work.
  • She is web savvy.
  • She is misses the occasional service.

Tim (Age: 46)

Primary contributor: Chris

  • He is more or less a committed member of the church but wants to know how to be "in the loop".
  • He missed about every second service.
    • As Tim, I make a decision about whether to come to church by checking the website to see what the sermon topic is, and who's preaching. [High]
    • I've got teenage kids and I want to check what's gonig on for them [Medium]
    • I like to browse the Newsletter on line [Medium]

Suzanna (Age: 31)

Primary contributor: Chris

  • She is a single mother and wants her son to qualify for a Church of England school in the area.
  • She is not a Christian but thinks that if she already has to go to a service, she might as well go to a lively church and hopes to meet people of the same age.
  • She also is interested in hiring a hall for her son's fourth birthday.
    • As Suzanna, I want to check the entry criteria for the Church of England school. Do I really have to come to church, and if so how many times? And what's the best service for me and my son, that won't be boring? Is there a creche? [High]
    • My son is currently in a nursery which is inconvenient for me to get to and frankly costs more than I can afford. I've heard there's a nursery at Christ Church. What's it like? How much do they charge? Does the government give any help for me to pay? [High]
    • How much is it to hire the Hall for my son's party. Are there discounts for people who come to the church? [High]

Harry (Age: 43) and Sally (Age: 35)

Primary contributor: Danielle

  • They are not Christians.
  • They have decided to get married and are looking for a church in the area for this occasion.

Matthew (Age: 56)

Primary contributor: Andrew

  • He comes to church only for Easter and Christmas.
  • He prefers to plan well ahead and wants to know when the services are.

Samuel (Age: 43)

Primary contributor: Chris

  • He wants contact information for an event or contractors appointment.
    • As Samuel, I've been asked to tender for some building work. I want to make my quote look professional by putting an image of the church in the documentaion that I'm about to send. Is there a decent image I can download? [Medium]
    • I've been awarded the contract. I met a guy there who seems to be in charge of Premises. I forgot to take his phone number. It's sure to be on the website. [Medium]
    • I'm a different Samuel, and my father has just passed away. He was married in the church in 1948, but moved away 10 years later. He'd always said he wants his funeral there. Who do I contact about this? [High]
    • I've now got the funeral arranged. I want to tell people how to get there and where to park. Also what are the publice transport links? [Medium]

Caroline (Age: 32)

Primary contributor: Andrew

  • She wants to get her son into the Christ Church Pre-School.