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The Singapore Employment Pass (EP) is really a visa issued to foreign entrepreneurs, shareholders, and managing directors to be able to permit them to setup and personally manage their business in the united states. However, EP can also function as a work visa provided to supervisors and managers, "key employees," professionals, and workers having a specialized skill.

Work Permit Singapore

For professionals and "key employees," these represent the requirements for Singapore Employment Pass application:

- A set monthly salary rate with a minimum of S$2,500

- A recognized degree from the reputable school

- Professional qualifications

- Specialized skills and talents

- Many years of work-related experience

Aside from these four factors, the Secretary of state for Manpower (MOM) also comes to a decision based on the applicant's age, current citizenship, and the roles and responsibilities inside a company.

Contrary to a popular belief, passing in the educational criteria doesn't automatically create a person eligible for EP. Actually, MOM bakes an exception and provides this work visa to those applicants who've outstanding professional skills and qualifications even when they fall short in the educational criteria.

Based on the agency, this visa has three categories that are based mostly on the applicants' fixed monthly salary rate:

- P1 Pass - this really is issued to individuals who're earning a monthly salary rate in excess of S$7,000.

- P2 Pass - this is provided to foreign applicants who have a set monthly salary that ranges between S$3,500 and S$7,000.

- Q1 Pass - this is issued to individuals who have a monthly earnings of for around S$2,500.

You will find cases in which MOM will reject applications that lack supporting documents. Fortunately, applicants can apply for an appeal and supply the agency with additional records showing their eligibility for EP.

Generally, it will take a lot more than 3 weeks before the agency can evaluate the appeal.

You should note that whenever there's a change in employer, EP holders should immediately notify MOM which will then review their professional qualifications, employer credentials, and work-related. However, you don't have for EP holders to cancel their existing work pass because the agency will do this on their behalf every time they happen to be approved with their new visa.

Meanwhile, the EP should be renewed every 2 or 3 years (depending on its validity to a certain individual). 8 weeks before visa expires, you receive a notification from MOM requiring him to renew his pass four weeks before its expiration.