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I am a professional personal trainer and I wish to explain that in order to achieve healthy weight loss you should understand what is really happening within the body for weight loss to occur and most importantly how you can burn fat. The truth is fat can only be burnt aerobically by the body but this does not necessarily mean that a high volume of aerobic exercise is optimal to lose excess fat at least not within a general population. The optimal method to burn body fat is to create a calorie deficit; this basically means that you must burn more calories per day than what you ingest and when this occurs healthy weight loss will naturally occur. So that your first thought when trying to lose weight should be to ask yourself what weight loss resources are available to me that will create the greatest calorie deficit?

personal trainer Lyndhurst NJ

What you need to understand underpinning principles that producing a calorie deficit is dependant on because this will allow you to then choose many different activities that may help you to lose weight. Small muscles e.g. the biceps or triceps burn only a little bit of calories so doing a lot of bicep curls or tricep extensions won't be effective when trying to create a calorie deficit. That which you should be doing is exercising large muscle groups like the chest, back or legs and performing compound exercises e.g. squats is optimal when trying to attain a proper weight loss. A professional fitness expert can educate you how to do compound exercises and will prepare a training programme that consists of exercises that incorporate major muscle groups and compound exercises with regards to slimming down.

By far the most effective method of losing fat is long duration aerobic fitness exercise or else referred to as steady state training and even though it's low intensity so therefore doesn't burn a lot of calories you do use fat as fuel whilst you are exercising. If you have finished exercising aerobically then your body will continue to burn more calories of computer usually would for any further 2 hours because of it number 1 optimal approach to weight loss inside the weight loss resources. Unfortunately for aerobic exercise to be a highly effective healthy weight loss method it must be performed continuously for one to hours each day and would therefore really only suit people within an athletic population.

Now you know the advantages and disadvantages to low intensity exercise think about the chance of performing intense exercise and also the effect that top intensity exercise is wearing the body. Intense exercise does burn off fat as fuel but does in fact burn a great many calories in a short period of time and making it an optimal way of losing weight because it can also add considerably to making a calorie deficit and hence a healthy weight reduction. Examples of high intensity exercise are sprint training, high intensity interval training (HIIT), weight lifting etc all these activities an expert personal trainer can help you to achieve specifically if you are the types of human that requires pushing. The additional bonus to intense exercise originates from the fact that when you stop exercising the body continues to burn more calories at rest for a further forty-eight hours adding yet more calories to that calorie deficit.